Fido blogs


Lick Mats Provide Cognitive Benefits for Dogs

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As every pet parent knows very well, our canine companions are complex and intelligent individuals with a clearly evident need for mental stimulation. In fact, failure to meet this need can (and often will) result in problematic behaviours such as excessive barking, attention seeking and destructive tendencies.
Worse still from my perspective as a veterinarian, are the very real negative psychological effects that our pets experience as a result of inadequate cognitive engagement. Such pathologies may include boredom or at the more extreme end of the spectrum depression, increased anxiety and reduced problem solving abilities and social skills.
We vets know that the vast majority of dogs thrive on intellectual enrichment; in fact, some degree of challenge is not only beneficial but frankly mandatory to keep these intelligent creatures happy and healthy. Of course, unlike their distant wild ancestors, today’s pampered pet pooches aren’t required to forage and hunt for food. So lick mats and snuffle mats serve a very important purpose: the tactful licking required to extract soft food from a lick mat, and the calculated use of paws and tongue necessary to retrieve hard treats from a snuffle mat can engage your dog’s brain and help alleviate mental inactivity.
The daily use of lick and snuffle mats is also extremely beneficial for ageing pets. Canine cognitive dysfunction syndrome (CCDS) is a serious condition which causes dementia-like symptoms in dogs similar to those of Alzheimer’s disease in people…and sadly, CCDS is extremely common. In fact, research suggests that around 28% of dogs aged 11-12 years old suffer with CCDS, with the figure rising further to 68% of dogs aged 15-16 years old. Lick mats may be able to help stave off the development of CCDS, delay its onset and slow its progression by helping to keep your dog’s brain active and engaged, leading to a better quality of life in their golden years.
It’s also believed by many canine experts that the repetitive and rhythmic licking activity elicited by lick mats for dogs may have a direct calming effect, which may be particularly helpful in reducing anxiety and stress. In particular, I tend to recommend lick mats to clients with dogs who suffer from separation anxiety. Sounds like your pet? You’re in the right place!

Lick Mats can Help your Dog Maintain a Healthy Weight

Lick mats and snuffle mats are also an excellent choice for dogs and cats that tend to overeat or eat too quickly. Consistently overeating will of course lead to obesity, which is a substantial issue in today’s canine community, and a leading contributor to serious health problems including early-onset arthritis, heart disease and diabetes. In fact, population-based studies suggest that almost 60% of our pet dogs are overweight or obese – that’s a pretty scary statistic!
Slow feeding using a lick mat or a snuffle mat is a great aid for dogs and cats who are prone to obesity, or those on a weight management plan. By slowing the speed at which our pets are able to eat, and encouraging them to eat more mindfully (since they are having to think whilst they eat), we can ensure that our four-legged friends feel fuller with smaller portions, reducing overall calorie intake and assisting our pets in achieving and maintaining a healthy weight.

Lick Mats Help Prevent Gastrointestinal Issues

Dogs and cats who eat too quickly are more likely to choke on their food or to suffer gastrointestinal issues such as bloating, indigestion or reflux (regurgitation) of food. Brachycephalic (flat-faced) dog breeds such as Pugs and French Bulldogs are especially prone to reflux and regurgitation issues, and as a veterinarian I strongly recommend that all owners of such breeds feed from a snuffle or lick mat daily to help prevent such problems.

Lick Mats Encourage Great Hydration

Finally, from a vet’s perspective I find lick mats can be extremely useful in encouraging dogs and cats to drink more water. You can spread a thin layer of water, low-sodium dog-safe chicken or meat stock or bone broth (free from onion or garlic, of course) over the lick mat to entice your dog to lap up some extra fluids without a second thought.
Maintaining a great level of hydration at all times is especially important for dogs and cats who are either prone to, or have been diagnosed with, kidney or bladder disorders. If your dog or cat is on a prescription diet (such as a renal or urinary diet), just be sure to check with your pet’s personal vet before adding anything in to his or her daily meal plan.

Lick Mats can Aid Medication Administration

We all know somebody who hates taking their medicine, and plenty of our dogs and cats are the same! Lick mats provide a creative and stress free way of administering medication to dogs and cats alike. You can hide pills or liquid medication in a thin layer of pet-safe cream cheese or another treat (based on your pet’s personal preferences) and spread this over the lick mat. Your dog or cat is likely to be so focused on the task of retrieving the treat from the lick mat – right down to the last scrap – that they won’t notice the medication disguised inside! This can be especially useful for pets with chronic health conditions who require daily medication, particularly those who are resistant to taking their meds.

What is a Snuffle Mat?

A snuffle mat is a specialised, enrichment-focused puzzle toy designed to engage a dog or cat’s sense of smell and provide mental stimulation, as well as greatly extending the length of time spent consuming meals (compared to offering the same meal in a traditional pet food bowl).
Modern snuffle mats tend to be made of silicone, which offers many benefits over the older, fabric-based snuffle mats, perhaps most impressively in terms of ease of cleaning. In fact, all silicone snuffle mats available on are fully dishwasher safe!
The non-slip silicone base of a snuffle mat is topped with various pockets, shapes or layers, where you can hide treats or dry dog or cat food. Your pet will use sight, scent and touch to search for and extract the hidden treats or kibble, engaging many senses and providing plenty of mental stimulation, engagement and fun.

What is the Purpose of a Snuffle Mat?

Presenting food to your pet in a snuffle mat as oppose to a traditional food bowl will motivate him or her to problem-solve, building key skills such as focus and creative thinking. As discussed under ‘are lick mats good for dogs?’, regular use of snuffle mats may help alleviate mental health issues in our four-legged family members, including boredom and depression. They may also prove very useful when it comes to preventing problematic behaviours in the dog’s home environment, such as destruction of furnishings, or undesirable barking at noises and passers by.

How Does a Snuffle Mat Work?

If you’re wondering how to use a snuffle mat, it really couldn’t be simpler! To get started with your pet’s new snuffle mat, first apply the non-slip underside of the mat to a smooth floor surface, such as a tiled or linoleum kitchen floor. Next, it’s time to get creative! Scatter and hide treats or kibble (dry food) on the base of the mat to your heart’s desire.
When presented with the snuffle mat, your pawsome pal will use his or her keen sense of smell to explore and forage for the hidden treats. Dogs have an incredibly well developed sense of smell, and so snuffle mats very effectively tap into their natural hunting and foraging instincts, mimicking the process by which wild canids search out food in their natural environment.

What to Put in a Snuffle Mat?

Snuffle mats work best with hard treats or kibble, as these can be ferreted away on the base of the mat meaning that your dog or cat will have to use their senses of smell and touch, as well as a degree of critical thinking, to retrieve the treats from the snuffle mat.

What to Put on Lick Mats for Dogs

As a vet, pet owners frequently ask me what to put on dog lick mats. The answer is as broad as your imagination: any food or treat that is soft, tasty and dog-safe can be put on dog lick mats, including (but not limited to): dog-safe cream cheese (ie, plain and lactose free); natural peanut butter with no added sweeteners; most commercial, cooked soft dog foods (canned, trays and pates); fresh cooked rice and shredded chicken; mashed cooked pumpkin…and so many more options!
All silicone lick mats available on are suitable for freezing, meaning you can also prepare your dog’s lick mat in advance with fresh, freezable goodies and store in the deep freeze until ready to use. Just be sure to defrost fully before presenting the lick mat to your eagerly awaiting pup to reduce the risk of choking on partially-frozen snacks, and (of course) to prevent brain freeze!
If in doubt as to whether a foodstuff is safe to feed your dog, be sure to consult a veterinary professional prior to feeding. And remember: treats should make up no more than 10% of your dog’s total daily intake, with the other 90% being made up of a complete and balanced dog food.

How to Wash a Snuffle Mat or a Lick Mat

The high quality food-grade silicone lick mats and snuffle mats available on are dishwasher safe, making them an absolute breeze to keep clean and hygienic. Simply pop your snuffle or lick mat in the dishwasher on a hot cycle at 70-100℃/160-210℉ in between uses to kill bacteria. Whilst you can also hand wash silicone lick or snuffle mats, dishwashers reach higher temperatures than our skin can comfortably withstand and so are a more effective (and infinitely easier) means of keeping your lick or snuffle mat clean compared to hand washing…it’s a win win situation!