Fido blogs


How Many Dog Treats Should You Give Your Dog? What You Need to Know

There has been a lot of debate about dog treats in training and their effects on man’s best friend. Too many treats can lead to weight gain, obesity, and other health problems.

So, what exactly are dog treats, and what are the pros and cons of throwing your dog a bone?


Whenever you ask your pet, “Do you want a treat?” you see the perk of their ears, the wagging of their tail, and sometimes, a full-blown happy freakout. But what exactly are those yummy treats?

Dog treats are dog food or chew treats that act as rewards. They are used to train dogs, reward good behaviour, and practice positive reinforcement.


There are a few things to keep in mind when using dog treats.

Treats and reward snacks should comprise less than 10% of daily calories because they have a lot of calories. Giving too many treats a day can increase the overall calories, affecting your pet’s health and making them severely overweight. Besides, this makes them unhealthy and brings a lot of health issues.

Ensure you avoid treats containing caffeine and human chocolate, as these can be highly toxic to your pets. Also, make sure to skip anything hard. Goodies can be hard on your dog’s teeth if they are too solid.

Another vital thing to remember is to use treats when training your pet. There is a thin line between using treats as a reward and using them to bribe your pets. Showing your pet a treat before a task is akin to luring them to perform it. Pets associate the task with the reward, not your words or commands. This can create a food dependency if it continues for too long.


Food is undoubtedly an excellent motivator for your pet. Using treats for training lets your dog learn and get trained quickly. You will likely get a better positive response from your dog when you use treats to reward them. This is why most dog owners tend to use treats to aid training.

It also acts as an enhancement that allows them to follow commands during obedience training. If you use treats during the initial stages of training, you can get their attention and keep it.

Dog treats are an excellent supplement for dental hygiene and health. They help keep their teeth clean and develop fresh breath and healthy gums. In addition, it can also reduce their anxiety and save you from having to deal with your pets chewing on everything around the house.


While dog treats are a great way to establish a relationship with your pet, they have a few disadvantages.

Some dog treats can contain harmful chemicals or even pose a choking hazard. But that is not all.

You might develop a habit with dog treats, resulting in a dependence on food to do tasks. Your pup may expect a treat for their good behaviour or a task reward. It could act as a bribe or a lure rather than a reward, which makes basic training much more challenging in the long run. It could be seen as a reward but fails to build respect for you.


Finding the perfect balance when you use dog treats to train your pet is crucial. Ensure you initially start training without building the expectation of treats for every task.

Dog owners can try using praise or other non-food rewards instead of treats, or they can break treats into smaller pieces to make them last longer.