Fido blogs


How to Stop a Dog Barking

Your dog is sitting peacefully in the lawn, minding his activities and content in his world. Someone approaches the door, and your calm, chilled pet starts jumping, barking, and growling. This bothersome scene is enough to force you to figure out how to stop a dog barking

How Can I Stop My Dog from Barking?

Before I address the problem of your dog barking a lot, let me clarify that barking is normal.

There is a dire need for you to understand that dogs rely on their body language up to a great extent to communicate effectively, for instance, lying belly up, tail wagging, snarling, and using vocalizations to convey their point. Some barking phenomena are solely for communication and purely natural.

It’s normal for your pet to bark, for instance, when your guests step in or by the time your postman is there to deliver your mail. It’s normal for some breeds to bark at every moving object for no reason. Your dog typically barks to safeguard his territory when he is anxious or playing. Your pet may bark to make you alert of the sights and sounds that are unfamiliar. You may have found your dog barking numerous times when your neighboring dog is barking. Nothing alarming, just a mere display of social solidarity. No need to stress out!

Additionally, some breeds have an inner mechanism designed for barking continuously when they catch the scent or sight of their prey. So, don’t freak out. Guard dogs such as Doberman Pinschers and German Shepherds are bred to warn their owners of intruders through a persistent, deep bark. If you attempt to take away the bred attributes of alert barking forcefully, you may end up with a pup having a talent and penchant for barking but no constructive outlet to exhibit it. If you do so, don’t complain when your dog employs strange ways to use his inborn barking ability; yapping at birds sitting on telephone wires or barking at the cars passing by.


How to Categorise Normal & Excessive Barking

You might be wondering why my dog won’t stop barking, driving me crazy and compelling my neighbors to complain more often. How is it natural? Yes, it’s not! If your dog is barking all the time beyond an acceptable level, it’s annoying and disruptive, and you need to fix it. Your neighbors deserve a comfortable and peaceful environment to live in. It’s time to control your barking dog.


Are you confused about differentiating between excessive barking and the normal one? Have a look below!

Barking is regarded as unacceptable and an absolute nuisance if it surpasses:


  • 240 barks a day in between 7 am – 9 pm.
  • Four barks every hour in the nighttime.
  • 35 barks each night between 9 pm – 7 am.
  • Consistently crosses 30 barks each hour.
Excessive barking criteria deviate depending upon various factors, such as your dog’s breed. Different species have varying barking tendencies. You may find most vocal dogs to the least vocal ones. Samoyeds and Basenjis don’t bark much. However, some mixed breeds and numerous other breeds have mastered the art of vocalizing when their mood swings.

So, if you have grumpy neighbors who are likely to make the first call to your landlord if your dog barks excessively, I urge you to get a silent dog. Gear up to find a pup that is a perfect match for your neighbor’s peace and comfort.

What Compels Your Dog to Bark Excessively?

If your quiet pet has started barking relentlessly all of a sudden, there is something afoot. Surely, you won’t be able to fix it if you don’t know the root cause of this unreasonable barking. Getting hold of why your dog bark abnormally is crucial to abate it.

Health Issues

Excessive barking can be the result of medical problems ranging from brain disease to bee stings or ongoing pain. Older dogs are likely to suffer from canine senility, which is responsible for excessive vocalization. It’s always advisable to contact a vet before taking other measures.

Anxiety And Stress Reduction Licking can calm dogs, helping reduce anxiety and stress. Using a lick mat can provide a soothing and relaxing activity. Studies show that licking releases endorphins in dogs, which helps soothe them. This is why licking can sometimes become excessive, and dogs lick their paws for hours. So a lick mat’s main purpose is to give dogs, especially puppies, a positive way to receive the feel-good hormones they get from licking

Trigger & Fears

Barking can also be an indicator of distress, fear, or triggers such as passersby. Your pet may be fearful of other dogs or people approaching him. Your dog may perceive certain noises, such as lawnmowers, fireworks, or thunderstorms, as threats. Your dog may also perceive visitors as potential intruders.

Insufficient Physical & Mental Activities

Dog barking can also be attributed to insufficient mental stimulation, inadequate exercise, and social interactions. Under all these circumstances, your dog’s physical and mental needs are not fulfilled.

Separation Anxiety

Separation anxiety can also be the leading cause of your dog’s destructive activities and excessive barking. Your dog can’t cope with loneliness. Separation anxiety is a mental disorder that requires treatment by a vet.

Frustration & Boredom

Dogs left alone throughout the day without physical or mental activity bark frequently out of boredom, frustration, and loneliness. As a result, they may indulge in destructive activities, for instance, digging the lawn.

How to Stop a Dog Constantly Barking

To stop a dog constantly barking, your first step should be to take your pet to a vet. It is crucial as severe pain, illness, or parasites can be a potential reason for your dog’s constant barking. If your vet gives an all-clear call, you need to critically analyze your training strategies and work on them.

Remember that if your dog has practiced this abnormal barking behavior for an extended period, it won’t vanish overnight. It will take ample time for your pet to learn and demonstrate other means of communication. Be patient while your dog becomes desensitized to stimuli that trigger the barking behavior.

Understand the reasons behind your dog’s barking attitude and choose techniques that are the best fit to tackle your particular situation.

How to Stop Dog Barking at Door

Every time your friend rings the bell or knocks on the door, all hell breaks loose.

You are tired of your dog going crazy, leaping and barking at the door by the time the delivery boy opens the gate and walks in. It’s highly disconcerting and grating for you to see your dog barking at the door.

To stop a dog from barking, let’s go through some training techniques to nip in the bud!

You can seek assistance from your family members or any of your friends to aid in the training process. Ask your friend to stand outside the gate and knock. You are supposed to stay inside and closely observe your dog’s reaction. If your dog rushes or barks at the door, command your dog to leave and go to his bed with a hand direction. Open the door and close it. Go back to your pet to praise and calm him. Remember to reward your friend with a treat whenever he obeys your command.

Repeat this command and reward training multiple times for better learning. This will retrain your pet’s mind, making him believe that as soon as he hears the sound of knocking or doorbell ringing, he has to rush to his bed and wait patiently and calmly till his owner arrives and rewards him.

Don’t forget that this ill-mannered and unruly behavior of excessively barking at the door and jumping at the visitors will be difficult to rectify. However, you can achieve your goal with commitment and the right attitude.

In addition to the above, there are a few other factors to consider when choosing a healthy dog food for your pet, such as their age, breed, and activity level. It is also important to avoid dog foods that contain artificial ingredients, such as colors, flavors, and preservatives.

How to Stop Puppy Barking for Attention

Puppy barking for attention is a way of expressing their desire to engage with you. Uncertainty and anxiety can also trigger dog barking. Barking for attention is usually persistent, high-pitched, and absolutely annoying beyond a certain level.

The first step is to ignore your dog’s excessive barking completely. It’s challenging to implement when it comes to your adorable pet, but it works. Your dog will regard any attention as a reward, which will, in turn, reinforce this behavior. So, avoid it. Your pet may bark harder and longer to provoke you. Stay patient and calm in this scenario.

Attention-seeking dogs usually bark in bursts accompanied by pauses. These pauses are the ideal time to reward your dog, making them realize that staying quiet is what you acknowledge. You can also extend these pauses by delaying their favorite treats.

Reward alternative behavior. For instance, if your dog approaches you to have your attention without acting up or barking, sit and play with him. Offer treats and pamper your pet.

You can also resort to puzzle toys, food puzzles, and trick training to rule out boredom from your pet’s life. All these activities can make your dog’s day immensely interesting. You can sprinkle your dog’s food on a snuffle mat so that he can enjoy it when you are away. Moreover, provide your dog with various physical and mental exercises to keep him occupied so he won’t seek your attention through abnormal barking.

How to Stop Dog Barking at Everything

If your dog is barking at every person, object, or situation, you need to step out to cater to this.

Pent-up energy can often lead to excessive barking. The simple solution is to release that energy using productive means. Make things more challenging for your dog to dispense this energy. You can offer mental challenges like obedience games and training to accomplish this. Tire out your dog. Tired dogs lack the energy to bark, so they are quiet. You can make your dog run, go for a trip to the park, or a long walk.

Moreover, you can offer a favorite toy or a high-value treat to distract your dog. Removing your pet from the situation that triggers barking can also be a quick fix. You can cut off the view of strangers or potential barking trigger your friend gets from a fence or living room window. You can go for a privacy fence to block the view to the street or neighboring yard. If indoors, you can close the blinds and curtains.

Providing a quiet zone away from doors and windows is also quite productive. It will tend to make your dog feel calmer and more comfortable, so he won’t have the desire to bark. This will create a big difference, especially if your dog vocalizes out of stress and frustration.

Your dog barking at every single thing out there can be disruptive, but you can’t deal with it by shouting and yelling. This will further stimulate your dog to bark more, thinking you have joined. The best technique is to speak firmly and calmly.

How to Stop a Dog Barking at People

A barking dog is terrifying for visitors and distressing for owners. Seek a solution, as you can’t prolong it. As long as it goes on, it will become more ingrained and harder to tackle. Excessive barking provides an adrenaline rush to dogs, making barking more pleasant. So, before it happens, put an end to it!

Your dog barks at people because he thinks that driveway or front garden is the area he is supposed to protect and dominate. It’s crucial to break this pattern. Train your dog that if he runs back to his bed after seeing someone, he will surely be rewarded with a treat. Practice this as much as you can with your dog.

You can also bring your visitors inside the house and make them meet your dog to assure him that there is no need to worry. Let the visitors interact with your pet. Your dog will soon realize that there is no harm if these people come inside and interact with his owner and family.

Your constant reassurance will make your dog eventually learn that there is nothing to stress and fear about people entering or passing your house, no matter what age your pet is.


To control dog barking, you need to find out the cause in the first place. Research your dog’s breed to figure out your dog’s barking pattern. However, if your dog is barking persistently, things are messed up. It’s the right time for you to follow the techniques mentioned above to eliminate this issue.